Hospitality on Point: How Evig & Lutron Illuminate UAE Hotels


Running a hotel in the UAE is no small feat, especially when you want to stand out. The secret ingredient? Lighting! And not just any lighting, but the intelligent, sophisticated kind brought to you by Evig, the Lutron UAE Distributor. Let's explore how these two powerhouses can transform your hotel into a beacon of hospitality.

First Impressions Last

When guests enter your hotel, the lighting can say "Welcome" like nothing else. Evig, armed with Lutron's advanced systems, can help you set the perfect ambiance. Whether it's the warm glow in the lobby or the inviting brightness in the hallways, they've got you covered.

Custom Comfort in Every Room

Imagine hotel rooms that let guests tweak the lighting to match their mood or needs, all thanks to Lutron Homeworks and RA2 systems. With a few keypad or mobile app taps, they can create their personal haven. It's like giving them a magic wand to make their stay just right, and Evig makes this magic possible.

Saving Energy, Winning Hearts

Today's travelers love eco-friendly choices, and with Lutron's smart systems, your hotel can shine in energy efficiency. Lights adjust based on the time of day or occupancy, which can significantly reduce power use. Evig helps you install these systems, showing your guests that you care about the planet as much as you care about their comfort.

Lighting Up Your Dining

Good lighting can make eating at your hotel a special moment. Think of a dinner where everything feels right, or a breakfast that starts the day on a happy note. Evig and Lutron help you get the lighting perfect, so your guests always have a meal to remember, whether it's date night or a fun get-together. It's all about giving you the power to change the mood with just a click.

Spotlight on Your Event Areas

Have you got a big meeting or a dream wedding at your hotel? The lighting can set the mood. Thanks to Lutron's smart setups from Evig, your event areas can look their best and work perfectly. It means your hotel's big spaces are always ready for anything, making every event shine.

Evening Glow

When night comes around, the outside of your hotel gets its time to shine. With help from Evig and Lutron, your building and gardens can look welcoming and safe, showing off the best bits for all to see. It's like ensuring your hotel is always picture-ready, making those evening views something guests will remember.

Easy on You, Easy on Staff

You might think such advanced lighting systems are complex to manage, but here's the kicker: they're not. Evig provides solutions that are as easy for your staff to control as they are for your guests to enjoy. It's all about making life simpler and your hotel operation smoother.

Evig & Lutron: Your Partners in Excellence

Choosing Evig as your Lutron UAE Distributor is like finding the perfect ally in the quest to offer unparalleled hospitality. Their commitment to quality and understanding of Lutron's systems means your hotel is in good hands. They ensure your lighting is an amenity and an experience.

In Conclusion

In the busy world of hotels and resorts in the UAE, making your place the one guests talk about and return to is more than just having comfy beds or a great location. It's also about bringing something special to the table, something that makes people say "wow." It is where teaming up with Evig,  Lutron UAE distributor, and using Lutron's excellent lighting solutions come into play. Together, they help your hotel stand out by creating unforgettable moments, all with the power of light.

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